Be the change

Your donation matters


Make a Donation

Your donation allows us to offer direct, rapid assistance to children and families in need.

What your donations can do

  • $25 - a pair of winter boots or a new warm coat for a child or teenager

  • $50 - five days’ worth of basic groceries for a family of 3 OR 2-3 months worth of art supplies for a student

  • $100 - season-appropriate clothing and footwear for 3-4 infants/toddlers OR blankets, socks, underwear, and warm pajamas for a family of 3

  • $250 - a full month of nutritious food for a family of 4

  • $1,000 - low-bono legal expenses and application costs for 1 refugee or asylum seeker OR basic furnishings for 1 family

  • $5,000 - short-term rent assistance for up to 10 families OR re-homing 2 mothers (and their children) leaving domestic abuse situations.

Monthly donations are VERY important. They allow us to meet individual needs as they emerge, without needing to pause services to fundraise or gather contributions. If you can, please consider making an ongoing monthly contribution.

Did you know …

You can also donate to us directly through:

PayPal —

Cash App — $LGPFoundation